If you would like to pay for your order using Master Card or Visa credit card, you may call us with your credit card information. We also will accept money orders and personal checks. If paying by personal check your order will be shipped when the check clears. A $25 return check fee will be charged if your check is returned from your bank due to insufficient funds. Your credit card information will not be given to the USPS or FedEx or any other party.
Only items shipped within the state of Colorado will be taxed at the rate of 7.65%.
Shipping Methods:
When you place an order with Sweet Cheeks, you may receive an automated shipping notification from the Unites States Postal Service or FedEx. This email may contain a tracking number for your package, shipping date, and/or estimated arrival date. We do not give your email address out to any other party, and these shipping companies state that they will use your email address only to notify you about your package status FedEx may have additional charges may apply depending on your location.
Shipping Delivery Times:
Depending on the form of payment (other than personal check) you can expect your order to be shipped within 6 days. If paying by personal check, the check will have to clear the bank before your order can be shipped. If you would like an ETA on your order you may contact us [email protected]
Refunds: Due to the nature of the products we sell, we will only accept returns for damaged or defective product caused by us. We must be contacted within 3 days of receipt of the order.
Email [email protected] and state the reason for the cancellation. If the order has already been shipped we are unable to refund your order.
Damages & Loss:
Damage or loss incurred during shipment is the delivery company's responsibility and claims must be properly filed with the delivering carrier. The customer must initiate damage or loss claims against the shipper, but we are available to assist you.
Minimum Order: No minimum
Please direct any comments or questions to [email protected]